Unlimited add-ons available for all plans

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Additional pages


Every Flourish Commerce plan comes with an Audit and Action Plan for the specified pages. You may purchase additional pages at a rate of $99 per page.

For example, let's say you choose the Light plan and request an audit of your homepage. If you want to include a product detail page (PDP) too, you may purchase this add-on for 1 additional page.

For unlimited pages, contact sales for a custom quote.

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Design & UX


It's no secret that UX can make or break your business. Investing in UX can yield an astounding 9,900% ROI ($100 returned for every dollar invested), and Forrester Research found that strong UX design can improve web conversion rates up to 200%.

Let us bring your roadmap to life with design and UX services optimized for conversion: clear CTAs, intuitive navigation, decisive user journeys, and more. All designs are created in Figma.

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Implementation guidance


Navigating the technical side of eCommerce can be daunting, but we're here to guide you and make sure you have everything you need for a successful implementation. This open-ended add-on could include project management, design support, and development.

We’ll help you build the best eCommerce site possible, so if there’s something you need assistance with, we’ll lend a hand or connect you with one of our trusted partners.

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Competitor UX analysis


Curious how you stack up against the competition? We'll evaluate 3 competitor landing pages across 1,000+ parameters related to UX, conversion, content, and performance (benchmarked against best practices for your industry).

You'll gain valuable insight into the strategies of your competitors, helping you refine your competitive edge and identify opportunities for improvement.

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Quarterly review

$1,000 per review

If you make changes to your eCommerce site regularly, you will benefit from regular evaluation. We'll assess the impact of any changes made to your website in the preceding quarter, and provide a "mini roadmap" with suggestions for ongoing improvement.

Get the most out of your initiatives as you iterate, and be sure your website stays optimized for performance, UX, and conversion.

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Email audit

$500 for 3 emails

Email is not dead—far from it. In fact, every $1 spent on email can generate up to $36 ROI.

We'll audit your email campaigns, one-off blasts, and automations to make sure you're following industry best practices, so you can unlock your full revenue potential.

Audits include, but are not limited to, CTA optimization, how to avoid spam filters, triggers and events that drive engagement and conversions, audience segmentation, and send time optimization.

Our Guarantee
We guarantee that our CRO audit recommendations, when you implement them, will improve the KPIs most important to you: add-to-cart and conversion rates, average order values, customer lifetime value, and more.
Our Guarantee
We guarantee that our CRO audit recommendations, when you implement them, will improve the KPIs most important to you: add-to-cart and conversion rates, average order values, customer lifetime value, and more.
Purchase your Audit